Recent articles which have some relevance to gender & sourced from Australia
August 2017
Melbourne Trans Girl to Make Acting Debut in Film About Gender, Jess Jones, Star Observer, Aug 1st 2017
July 2017
An ‘extraordinary, ordinary’ modern family — mum, baby and transgender dad, Tracy Bowden, July 25th 2017 ABC online
Teachers need more training in working with transgender students, Flinders University researchers find, Tim Williams, The Advertiser, July 12th 2017
June 2017
Oliver one of growing number of transgender children at single-sex schools, Monique Hore, Herald Sun, June 30th 2017
January 2017
‘It will soon be easier for trans teens to access the hormones they need’, Laine Sainty, Buzzfeed, Jan 24th
September 2016
Explainer: what treatment do young children receive for gender dysphoria and is it irreversible? Sept 2nd 2016, The Conversation, Dr Fiona Kelly
August 2016
Rethinking how we represent transgender children in the media, The Conversation, 16th August
Government open to changing transgender teen transitioning laws, ABC online, 16th August, Shalailah Medhora
July 2016
Transgender children left with few options in Northern Territory, 24th July 2016, ABC online, Nick Hose
Trans Guys Are Finding Acceptance In This Country Town, Lane Sainty, Buzzfeed, 14th July 2016
Launceston’s Abbey Boon reveals true self, The Examiner, July 4th 2016
June 2016
The struggles trans kids face in Australia, Matthew Wade, Star Observer, June 10th
Adelaide teenager becomes a transgender trailblazer, The Advertiser, June 4th 2016
April 2016
It’s 2016. Why are school uniforms so gender-specific? SBS online, 22nd April 2016
A ten point guide to not offending transgender people, ABC online, 15th April 2106
March 2016
When the safety net slips, Australian blog ‘Parenting Jeremy’, 28th Mar 2016
‘Someone is going to die’. Meet the trans kids fighting for the right to transition. Lane Sainty, Buzzfeed Australia, 6th Mar 2016For the first time, scientists show that trans kids with family support can be as happy as their peers, SBS online, 11th Mar 2016
February 2016
Safe Schools Coalition: Why an 11-year-old transgender boy from Perth now feels safe at school, Perth Now, Feb 28th 2016
Trans children allowed to express identity ‘have good mental health’, Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian, 27th Feb 2016
Blog post by Australian parent: ‘Stop Being So Scared’ , Parenting Jeremy, 11th Feb 2016
What are you teaching your kids by pulling them out of a school that supports transgender children?,, 10th February, Ginger Gorman
Schools embrace controversial gender program that the LGBT community says saves lives, Sun Herald, Feb 9th 2016
Push to end court control of treatment for transgender young people, The Age, Miki Perkins, Feb 4th 2016
January 2016
Transgender children, the law, and the boy born in the skin of a girl, Adam Zwi,The Guardian, 19th
Why I am marching in a pride march for the first time – for my child, Jo Hirst, Mamamia, January 12th 2016
Reflecting on a daughter’s transition, Mamamia
December 2015
‘Only you know if you are a boy or a girl’, Daily Mail, 10th December 2015
‘The Gender Fairy’: A New age in transgender education for kids. The Age, 2nd December 2015
October 2015
‘We don’t look after people like you’. Transgender people refused medical care. Sydney Morning Herald, 18 October 2015
Transgender advocate in the running for ‘Australian of the Year’, 9th October 2015, The Northern Star
September 2015
‘My identical twins are now a boy and a girl’, Mamamia, 19th September 2015
Transgender students – the struggle to fit in at school, The Age, September 17th 2015
August 2015
How do we stop transgender children being bullied at school?, Huffington Post Australia, Ginger Gorman, 28th August 2015
‘From Daddy’s Tummy’, Approx 30 minutes TV episode – Australian Story, ABC, 10th August 2015
July 2015
Our daughter is now our son, Australian Women’s Weekly, July 31st 2015
Transgender children – what’s behind the spike in numbers?, The Australian, July 18th 2015
If you don’t think this is courage then you are the one with the problem, The Daily Telegraph, July 19th 2015
Homelessness services concerned at rate of transgender youth rejected from family home, ABC, 13th July 2015
Girl to have gender dysphoria treatment to become a boy, The Age, July 24th 2015
Not Born this Way: On Transitioning as a Transwoman Who Has Never Felt “Trapped in the Wrong Body”, July 2015
Christian school accused of victimising 10-year-old transgender girl,, 15th July 2015
How to explore your gender when you are a person who was assigned male at birth, EF Magazine, July 12th 2015
First Ever Gender and Sexuality Commissioner Appointed in Victoria, Minus 18, 16th July 2015
My identical twin sister is now a man, Australian Women’s Weekly, July 15th 2015
Christian school accused of victimising 10-year-old transgender girl, July 15th 2015
June 2015
What it’s like to be transgender – three Australians share their personal experiences of being transgender,Cleo Magazine
Families in Transition – A resource Guide for Parents of Trans Youth, Central Toronto Youth Services